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Statement from Pete Hoekstra on the Upcoming Worldwide Threats Hearings
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The annual Worldwide Threats hearings provide an important opportunity to publicly talk about the threats facing America, including the threat of using America’s spy agencies to spy on Americans.
Pete Hoekstra: Kabul Attacks an Embarrassment to the U.S.
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NEWSMAX – Former U.S. Ambassador Pete Hoekstra reacts to the Kabul airport bombings.
Is the U.S. Intelligence Community Putting the World at Risk?
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By Pete Hoekstra | Gatestone Institute | September 3, 2021 The Intelligence Community’s COVID Summary is dangerous; infinitely more dangerous than it appears. How can the IC seriously believe that China’s active stonewalling of the international community’s attempts to get to the bottom of what happened and thus learn better how to combat the virus Read More…