Articles Newsroom Op-Eds

Parents Teaching or Government Indoctrination – You Choose

By Pete Hoekstra | Gatestone Institute | October 26, 2021 Every expert who came in indicated that the most important thing in a child’s learning was the presence of a caring adult in that child’s life. We learned that schools most connected to their community were most likely to be successful. And that schools that Read More…

Articles Newsroom Op-Eds

China and the Crisis Presidency of Joe Biden

By Pete Hoekstra | Gatestone Institute | November 2, 2021 How does a president who is struggling on so many fronts lead a nation against China, its biggest geostrategic competitor? China’s military buildup, the ongoing genocide against the Uyghurs, America and the West’s over-reliance on China in the supply chain, Chinese aggression against Taiwan and Read More…